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Brexit was a plus for UK overall

This article is by Herald Post Mail.

Herald Tank is publishing this article with full permission.

Here's the link to the original article.

Several years after the Brexit, people are saying it was a terrible choice.

Nigel Farage is under FIRE once again.

Many people in the media has once again went on attacking Nigel Farage and the Brexit.

But THE problem is, that people only say the negative things about the Brexit, without pointing out the good points of Brexit.

Sure, in terms of short term economical issues, leaving the EU has made it harder for UK to grow their economy.

But what about the dicision making done by UK.

Right now many of the British politicians are in line with many of the EU's policy such as free speech and how to deal with forreign countries.

But by leaving the EU, UK now are able to say what they want about issues even if it doesn't go in line with the liberal EU ideology without much pressue from the EU to be in line with EU.

Although 1 negative thing is that by leaving EU, UK has lost some power to influence EU's decision on things.

But UK being indipendent is an important thing for the UK.


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