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The importance of a great open discussion

It is important for people to be able to express their opinion freely on platforms.

It is a shocking thing that some platforms are pro-censorship platforms where they censor what people say if it is offencive, even if it was not defamatory.

Many platforms go against the censorship, but many of those platforms are not really a place where everyone with diffrant opinion can freely discuss about things.

At Eagle Zed a great chatboard or an internet forum we allow people with diffrant opinion to speak freely without censorship.

Ofcorse we might delete posts to save data, so we will not promise that we will not delete any posts, but we will not censor people who say something that is not the nessessarily the majority opinion.

I have my opinion about things, but I am fine with people posting things that I do not agree at all on this platform Eagle Zed.

We are pro-free speech.

So we don't care if you're a right-winger or a left-winger we don't care if you're a socialist or a libertarian.

You will be able to post things on Eagle Zed.

Although we are pro-free speech.

We will ban contents which are illegal and we will ban contents which defamatory and attacking other people based on false infomation.

And we will not allow inciting violence or threatning violence.

But most importantly, we accept people with diffrant opinion to speak freely.

Pro-censorship people can try to censor Eagle Zed, but we will not stand down.




Trump 2024??????

Yo guys!!! What is your opinion of Donald J Trump the potencial prez of 2024. I think he is going to be a rather good prez for America. He stands by his opinion. Although I don't think Biden is a bad



Eagle Zed!!!

Eagle Zed

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